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The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Limited Use Drinking Water

Environmental Health Services

This program monitors construction, permitting, sampling, and enforcement of Limited Use Public Drinking Water Systems (which are not covered by the Safe Drinking Water Act), multi-family water systems, and private water systems in Brevard County.  

There are three types of Limited Use Public Water Systems:

  • Limited Use Community is a water system that serves 5 or more residences or two or more rentals residences. Examples include:  small apartment complex, duplex/triplex, assisted living facility, small mobile home park, nursing home, etc.
  • Limited Use Commercial is a water system that services one or more non-residential establishments, and provides piped water. Examples include:  motel/hotel, church, business, family day care, etc.
  • Limited Use Registered is a water system which is a limited use commercial system that does not make tap water available for public consumption. Examples include:  business with no water fountain, church with no kitchen or public events, park restroom with no water fountain, etc.

The criteria that determine the water system's classification can be determined by reviewing the decision tree. Any person wanting to operate a Limited Use Well in Brevard County must submit the appropriate applications, fees, site plans, and well completion report (if available) to the Florida Department of Health in Brevard County Environmental Public Health Services and be granted a license prior to operation. The permit year runs from October 1 to September 30; first year licenses are prorated after March 31, please contact our office for further details. Licenses must be renewed annually; failure to renew on time will result in the assessment of a $50.00 late fee.

Limited Use Drinking Water Systems are required to submit routine sampling for bacteriological, nitrate, and lead.

Fact Sheets:

For more information, definitions, and rule information on these systems in the State of Florida, please visit

Links and Downloadable Files:

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