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It's a New Day in Public Health.

The Florida Department of Health works to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through integrated state, county, and community efforts.

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Emergency Preparedness and Response

Emergency Preparedness

  •  321-690-6488

    Mailing Address

    2565 Judge Fran Jamieson Way 

    Viera, FL 32940 


Each year, natural disasters destroy our communities and affect the lives of our families, neighbors, businesses and communities. Disasters can strike at any time and some disasters, such as fires, occur every day in the United States. The Florida Department of Health in Brevard County (DOH-Brevard) provides the following information/tips to help with your preparedness needs:

After the Storm

DOH-Brevard recommends reviewing After the Storm fact sheets and information related to post-storm hazards and dangers.

Disaster Supply Kit

A disaster supply kit for your home or an evacuation should include items in six basic areas: (1) water, (2) food, (3) first aid supplies and medications, (4) clothing and bedding, (5) tools and emergency supplies, and (6) important family documents.

Evacuate or Stay at Home?

Determining whether to evacuate or stay at home can be a difficult one, but you should be prepared for either option. Evacuation decision brochures are available to help you decide what to do in an emergency.

Hazardous Materials... Are You Prepared?

DOH-Brevard provides information on protecting yourself from exposure to hazardous materials and provides tips on what to do in an emergency situation involving these items.

Helping Children Cope with Disasters

Children depend on daily routines. They wake up, eat breakfast, go to school, and play with friends. When emergencies or disasters interrupt their routine, children may become anxious, confused, or frightened. DOH-Brevard provides several tips on helping children cope with disasters.

In the Event of Terrorism

Things can be very chaotic during an event of terrorism and it is important to know how to handle certain situations ahead of time. Unlike a hurricane or a flood, there will likely be no warning for a terrorist attack.

Pet Plan

Planning for emergencies also involves knowing what to do with your pet. If have to evacuate, you are encouraged to take your pet with you. Have a pet plan!

Preparing for a Hurricane

Preparing for a Hurricane can be overwhelming, but there are several resources available to assist you in creating a family disaster plan and being prepared for any type of emergency.

Preparing for Emergencies for People with Mobility Problems

DOH-Brevard provides several tips for Preparing for Emergencies for People with Mobility Problems.

Protecting Your Family From Fire

Protecting Your Family From Fire requires advance planning, including the use of smoke detectors, to provide early warning of fire.

Special Needs Shelters

A Special Needs Shelter provides more care and supervision than a general shelter to help meet your special needs during an evacuation.

Tornado Safety Tips

Tornadoes are nature's most violent and erratic storms. A tornado can travel for miles along the ground, lift and suddenly change direction and strike again. DOH-Brevard provides several Tornado Safety Tips to protect yourself and your family.